About Health Coaching

Just as a sports coach can help an athlete develop and excel, a health coach works on your mindset so you can be off and running towards your full potential. How? Well, firstly, the way you talk with others, with yourself, is at the heart of change. Change is hard, but coaching conversations transform your good intentions into results. Coaching conversations are essentially helping conversations. Conversations that help you to think with more clarity, feel more hopeful, build momentum, confidence and self-efficacy, and ultimately exert greater influence on your situation. Secondly, we will build supportive accountability for you. Coaching involves step actions and follow-ups that move you forward.

Coaching conversations move you forward.

The coaching process is similar to talk therapy in that it involves two people discussing things like what’s really going on…sort through the clutter getting in your way and creating goals.

Having a coach is the best way to make progress, to get you to where you want… so focus on all that you really have in your life, your body and your will.

What score would you give your health and wellness out of 10?

Let’s get you to a 10!

I am an ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC) trained at the Kresser Institute.

The ADAPT Functional Health Coach training program, based on ancestral health is approved by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC).


Read more about the robust 12-month training that includes months of dedicated learning in the areas of both Functional Health and the Art and Science of Coaching, followed by months of practical experience and applied learning with feedback.

Coach with me

How can I support you?

My coaching sessions are 50min booked online or email me. We meet with Zoom.

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